Australian HL7 meeting report from Orlando

May 21, 2011

A requirement of being part of the Australian delegation to the HL7 meeting is that we much submit a report about the meeting to Standards Australia. Then one of the delegation (Heather Grain this time) gathers all our reports into a single report and it is published on the web. As far as I know, we’re the only country that does this, and our report serves as the only publicly available summary of HL7 meetings. I know that it’s read by a lot of people from other countries too. You can see the reports here

I’ve just finished writing my report about this meeting. It was a little more challenging than usual - I didn’t feel as though this was a normal meeting. In the fullness of time, it will eventually be made public as part of the larger Australian report from that link.

One of the problems of the larger Australian report is that it tends to get long - it’s pretty hard to summarize a meeting, and there’s plenty going on, and a number of different perspectives to gather together.

Happy reading!