Question: Using PV1-3 ("PL: Person Location")
Aug 23, 2011Question (originally submitted to Keith Boone, but we swap when appropriate):
How is PV1-3 mapped at a granular level for Room, bed, facility, status, type, building and floor? An example would be great. ~ Thanks
Here’s the data Structure Definition for PL (Person Location):
ID | Name | Version | Data Type | Table |
1 | Point of Care | 2.1 | IS | Point of care |
2 | Room | 2.3 | IS | Room |
3 | Bed | 2.3 | IS | Bed |
4 | Facility | 2.3 | HD | |
5 | Location Status | 2.3 | IS | Location status |
6 | Person Location Type | 2.3 | IS | Person location type |
7 | Building | 2.3 | IS | Building |
8 | Floor | 2.3 | IS | Floor |
9 | Location Description | 2.3 | ST | |
10 | Comprehensive Location Identifier | 2.5 | EI | |
11 | Assigning Authority for Location | 2.5 | HD |
The accompanying note says: location identifiers that should be thought of in the following order from the most general to the most specific: facility, building, floor, point of care, room, bed.
The underlying notion of this type is a hospital campus (identified by a facilty).Hospital campuses usually have multiple buildings, and the builds are identified by some combination of ids, codes, or names (usually of benefactors or significant past faculty). If you don’t have multiple buildings, leave it blank. Or if the building code doesn’t matter because the other identifying information is unique anyway.
Buildings are usually multi-story, and rooms are usually numbered by the floor (Building A, 4th floor, Ward 2, Room 1 bed 25 - there’s a Room 1 on every floor)). If the floor doesn’t matter (because, say, the Rooms are uniquely numbered), then leave the floor blank. The Facility generally has the physical buildings and floors divided into wards and then rooms. Wards go in the “point of care” (“the nursing station for inpatient locations, or clinic or department, for locations other than inpatient”). Rooms are numbered relative to the ward/floor/building/institution - put this in Room. And rooms usually contain multiple beds.
So the mapping of facility/building/point of care/floor/bed is simple in concept, though in practice it can be difficult if the location management scheme in use has extra components or doesn’t use “ward” or anything matches it.
Type & Status
The location type:
Code | ID | Description |
C | 1 | Clinic |
D | 2 | Department |
H | 3 | Home |
N | 4 | Nursing Unit |
O | 5 | Provider’s Office |
P | 6 | Phone |
S | 7 | SNF |
SNF appears to be a US specific code, because I have no idea what it means.
The location status has no present values and a definition of “Location (e.g., Bed) status”. I’m guessing it means whether the bed is in use, empty, needing repair, etc. And for PV1-3, that means “in use”. But it’s usually left blank.
The standard provides these examples:
Nursing Unit | A nursing unit at Community Hospital: 4 East, room 136, bed B | 4E^136^B^CommunityHospital^^N^^^ |
Home | The patient was treated at his home. | ^^^^^H^^^ |
Clinic | A clinic at University Hospitals: Internal Medicine Clinic located in the Briones building, 3rd floor. | InternalMedicine^^^UniversityHospitals^^C^Briones^3^ |