Updated list of FHIR Sessions at Vancouver WGM

May 15, 2012

Here, as promised, is an updated list of FHIR Sessions here in Vancouver WGM, starting from now: * Sun Q3 (in 45 minutes time), a tutorial to show committees how to build resources

  • Mon Q3 (MnM): Datatypes R3 proposals arising from FHIR data types
  • Mon Q4 (SOA): FHIR discussion with SOA (part of the session)
  • Tues Q1 (MnM): profiles and extensions
  • Tues Q2 (MnM): governance and ballot plans
  • Tues Q4 (Devices): general discussion, CIMI and FHIR (first 30 minutes)
  • Wed Q1 (ITS): formats - xml, atom, and json
  • Wed Q1 (MnM/Vocab): Vocab binding Methodology in FHIR
  • Wed Q2 (ITS): REST related issues
  • Thurs Q1 (RIMBAA): FHIR implementation session
  • Thurs Q4 (ArB): FHIR/SAIF/governance wrap-up
  • Fri Q1 (Templates): Profiles and clinical templates
  • Fri Q2 (Pharmacy): Prescription model design

There’s also some discussion about FHIR governance at TSC on Sunday evening (this evening).



  • methodology and SAIF implementation guide will be discussed MnM Mon Q1
  • MnM Q1 will include FHIR SAIF IG
  • RIMBAA Mon. Q2 will include CIMI & FHIR compare/contrast
  • Tues Q3 in PA

  • Tuesday Q3: PA FHIR next steps