Updated Indy IdHL7

May 30, 2013

And while I’m on the subject of Indy and updating old libraries, several people have asked me about whether there’s a current copy of IdHL7.pas. This was a pascal implementation of HL7’s Lower Layer Protocol (LLP) that was once part of the Indy open source library but fell out when Indy was rewritten for Unicode etc.

Since I’m on a roll with Delphi XE3, and Indy, here’s an updated version of IdHL7.pas  - with it’s unit tests as well - that compiles against either Indy 9 or 10 and works in Unicode and non-unicode versions of Delphi.



p.s. This version has an addition that’s for my own debugging purposes - either define UNPRIVATE, or drop the references to ThreadSupport.