Office for the iPad, and Dropbox
Mar 28, 2014I woke up to a lovely piece of news this morning: Office has finally been released for the iPad. Yay! This is good because most of my customers/partners send me word documents, with comments and change tracking, and I’m expected to do a round of editing, and return it. Up to now, I couldn’t do that on the iPad - so I had to have my laptop on hand for that task. Now (hopefully) I don’t have to.
But the registration process took over a couple of hours to figure my way through - I didn’t want to purchase the subscription on my apple account via iTunes, as that’s personal, not work (tax difference). I thought I could buy an office business subscription, but after I created the account using the iPad Office App, I just couldn’t figure out how to connect that to a business account (Yay Microsoft). Then I had to figure out how to connect the iPad to the office 365 home premium I bought on line - a couple of mis-starts and it all worked out. But these things are hard, because you often have to commit to purchase to find out if the purchase will buy the thing that you want.
But now I have a problem - I use Dropbox for all my work (unless it’s code, when it’s going to be in svn or github). And I have a lots of setup around dropbox, and apps connected up to dropbox. I don’t want to move 5GB of files off dropbox and lose all my dropbox related services. But Office for iPad doesn’t support dropbox - though it looks like the hooks are there. So I’m hoping Dropbox support will come real soon.
All this does make me wonder why people complain that interoperability is so far behind in the healthcare space. So far behind what, I ask?