#FHIR - looking for translators
May 23, 2014One of the parts of the FHIR specification is a translations file. This is an XML file that includes a whole series of user-level messages that implementers may find useful, along with translations to other languages. A typical entry looks like this: ````
The idea is that any implementation that wants to report this kind of error looks up the message by it’s identifier - “MSG_UNHANDLED_NODE_TYPE”, and picks the most appropriate message for the provided language code (typically, for a server, this would be taken from the browser’s preferred language code).
As you can see in the example above, we have English, Dutch and Italian translations for the entries, though the Italian ones are a little out of date. We’d love to get more translations - we’re looking for volunteers. If you’re interested in volunteering, the process is simple - download the latest source file, go through it adding the translations to the language of your choice, and send it to me.
- If you’re interested in taking on the task of maintaining a language in an ongoing basis, we can set you up with svn so that you can maintain it directly
- If you’re an implementer and you want additional messages added to the file, we can do that too
- Thanks to Alexander Henket for tidying up the translations file, updating the dutch translations, and prompting me to do this post