HL7 Australia #FHIR Forum and Connectathon

Sep 23, 2014

On Thursday & Friday 6-7 November 2014 Hl7 Australia is holding a FHIR Forum and Connectathon in Melbourne. Day 1 is focused on education:

|Keynote: FHIR in context … a step forward for patients|Andrew Yap, Alfred Hospital Melbourne |FHIR - A US perspective|David McCallie, CMIO, Cerner |Implementing FHIR for Australian GP Systems|Brett Esler, Oridashi |FHIR / openEHR collaboration|Heather Leslie, Ocean |FHIR & the Telstra eHAAS design|Terry Roach, Capsicum / Telstra |Introduction to SMART on FHIR|Josh Mandel, Smart / Boston Childrens |Using Terminologies with FHIR|Michael Lawley, CSIRO |Using FHIR in new and unexpected ways - actually including the Patient in the system|Brian Postlethwaite, Telstra (DCA) |Clinical records using FHIR|David Hay, Orion Healthcare |Panel: What are the prospects for FHIR Adoption in Australia?

  • Grahame Grieve, Health Intersections (FHIR Project)
  • Richard Dixon Hughes, DH4 (Standards)
  • Tim Blake, Semantic Consulting / DOH (Government)
  • Peter Young, Telstra  - DCA (Industry)
  • Malcom Pradhan – Alcidion (Clinical)  

Im really pleased about this program: it’s a great line up of speakers from Australia and New Zealand talking about what they’re actually doing with FHIR. Also, I’m really pleased to welcome David McCallie, the CMIO for Cerner, who’ll be joining us from USA by video to discuss Cerner’s plans for FHIR and discuss the broader prospects for the adoption of FHIR in the USA. Finally, we’re really lucky and extremely pleased to have Josh Mandel from Boston Children’s Hospital Informatics Program present. Josh will be talking about SMART on FHIR, and describing how that works as an EHR extensibility framework.

On Day 2, we’ll be holding a connectathon. We’ll have 3 streams of activity:

  • Basic Patient Stream – this is suitable for any developer with no prior experience of FHIR necessary – all you need is a working development environment of your choice
  • Smart on FHIR – this is for EHR vendors who want to experiment with using Smart n FHIR as a plug-in framework for their system, or for anyone who’s interested in writing an EHR plug-in – as many clinical departments will be
  • Clinical Connectathon – this is for non-developers who still want hands on experience with FHIR – use the clinical connectathon tools to learn how real world clinical cases are represented in FHIR resources

I hope to see all of you there. To register, go to www.hl7.org.au, or you can see the formal program announcement.

p.s. it doesn’t say so on the program, but there’ll be a conference dinner on the Thursday night.