Principios de interoperabilidad en salud y estándares
Jun 29, 2018Diego kaminker asked me to draw my readers attention to this: “Principios de Interoperabilidad en Salud y Estándares” (en = Healthcare interoperability Principles and Standards”) available at
The book covers in Spanish briefly:
- Introduction to Standards
- Controlled Vocabulary / Terminology
- Syntax Standards (XML, JSON)
- HL7 V2.X / HL7 V3
- Clinical Document Architecture R2
- IHE Profiles
- CEN13606/openEHR
- Regional experiences in LATAM
This is the first time that a book covers all these subjects in Spanish. The authors are Fernando Campos, Diego Kaminker and Carlos Otero. The editors are Daniel Luna and Fernán Gonzalez Bernaldo de Quirós.