Lifecycle of an Interface

May 2, 2012

In the beginning, there’s a rush of excitement, and the interface is conceived. Then there’s a difficult gestation, as the interface slowly becomes ready for birth. During this stage, people swing wildly between excitement about what the interface can be, and worrying about what might go wrong

Then, the interface goes live. There’s going to be lot of sleepless nights, and much wailing and gnashing of teeth (and that’s on the part of the new interface)

Eventually, things settle down, and the interface even stops falling over.

Finally, the interface is fully mature, and it knows how to behave properly in all circumstances. Now the interface enters the really profitable stage of it’s life - the bit that justifies the rest - it just sits in the background doing it’s job, and making money without fuss.

Finally, though, the changes around the interface start to catch up with it, and it’s starts to look rather aged. But it’ll soldier on, doing what it knows how to do, while people get increasingly frustrated with it.

Eventually, it moves onto life support - hardly anyone knows how to work with it anymore, and those that do would rather not - unless copious quantities of money are exchanged.

And then, way after anyone is happy anymore, the interface is finally